Thursday, May 14, 2015

Apirl 5th fourth day in boston Last day of AB

WAAAAAAAAAA SNIFF SNIFFFF NO AB can't be ending today. It needs to go on longer. How am I going to make it though the rest of our vaction in boston with out seeing the staff of AB and everyone else that made it fun WAAAAAA. Yeah yeah I know I am just a dog but come o n it so much fun people watching. MOM feeling so much better so today even though she feeling better we just going to hit the dealer's room one more time. the pictures below were given to use by friends to use. We are coming back next year mom and grandma said so and this time mom  does not plan to get sick so we can get more pics. If you know anyone in the photos please let my mom know and she will credit you with being in the picture or credit you for taking it. As I said mom got them from her great support group for AB on facebook.  Oh by the way Ray I hope to see you agin next year.
I love this picture though mom amits she for got who said she could use it.
This one mom took as we were waiting for the café to open. sword play before breakfast.
Thanks Micheal Brown for these pictures the next few are all being used by premission.

I love the fact I was not the only service dog at the con.

Mom says if she given the wrong credit on any picture please let her know so she  can fix it.
Pictures below mom can't rember who allowed her to use them. as they didn't save on the laptop right.

                                           given to us to use by our AB friend Kei Em
                                             Other one used with perssion by Kei Em nice cosplay my friend

both the photo above and the one below were used with perssion from our friend Hikari Akuma 

Please help use credit the right people here.
Thanks to our friend willaim baker for this photo of him.

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