Thursday, May 28, 2015

April 9th 2015 tiem to go home from Boston

Boston you were a great city to vist and Anime boston was a blast. Sad to say time to go home and plan for next year or my next trip. Next Major trip camping YEAH! here the last few pictures from boston.
one of the waiters from the café that we ate breakfast every morning.
The meun really if you get a chance I suggest you eat here.
Random Pic of me on the hotel bed with grandma.
Yummy Burgers from 5napkins really good food.
Other great place to eat really the best ramon around.
Grandma had this dish called a firecracker from wagamama
This dish called loliipop shrimp.
My bed the hotel had for me.
Look It a P.F. Chang's cool
Mom got me watching the action at wagamama
The bags we left with this many and came home with the same number of bags.
this was on the train home.
Frist thing I did when got home and mom was unpacking watch bleach,
That momo he likes anime too.
Our anime boston friend Aliveah McElroy
I really cant wait to see next year and meet more great people.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

April 6th 2015 the day after Ab

We got up this morning went to breakfast. While grandma was talking to the hotel staff my mom  got some nice pictures of a few of the staff of AB who were leaving today. the last of the Abers leaving. the lobby seems so empty with out all those people.
The lobby after Ab the staff going home
Some of the nice AB staff thanks for the fun
The nice hotel manger at the shearton.
David one of the mantince guys at the hotel he helped to fix grandmas leg rest on her chair.

All in all Anime Boston was loads of fun. there be one more boston  the day we went home and of course it have some of the best places to eat in Botson that we went too. hey a working dog got to eat and have funn too you know.,








Thursday, May 14, 2015

Apirl 5th fourth day in boston Last day of AB

WAAAAAAAAAA SNIFF SNIFFFF NO AB can't be ending today. It needs to go on longer. How am I going to make it though the rest of our vaction in boston with out seeing the staff of AB and everyone else that made it fun WAAAAAA. Yeah yeah I know I am just a dog but come o n it so much fun people watching. MOM feeling so much better so today even though she feeling better we just going to hit the dealer's room one more time. the pictures below were given to use by friends to use. We are coming back next year mom and grandma said so and this time mom  does not plan to get sick so we can get more pics. If you know anyone in the photos please let my mom know and she will credit you with being in the picture or credit you for taking it. As I said mom got them from her great support group for AB on facebook.  Oh by the way Ray I hope to see you agin next year.
I love this picture though mom amits she for got who said she could use it.
This one mom took as we were waiting for the café to open. sword play before breakfast.
Thanks Micheal Brown for these pictures the next few are all being used by premission.

I love the fact I was not the only service dog at the con.

Mom says if she given the wrong credit on any picture please let her know so she  can fix it.
Pictures below mom can't rember who allowed her to use them. as they didn't save on the laptop right.

                                           given to us to use by our AB friend Kei Em
                                             Other one used with perssion by Kei Em nice cosplay my friend

both the photo above and the one below were used with perssion from our friend Hikari Akuma 

Please help use credit the right people here.
Thanks to our friend willaim baker for this photo of him.

April 4th 2015 thrid day of boston trip aka second day of AB

Wow the morning started out great inless you count mom getting sick. got to love my mom though she a trooper. Even if half her face was swollen she was still going to Ab agin. Frist it was get me  outside so I could do my potty run as we call it. than we met grandma at the café with the great food. Hey their food really is that good and it a great price I heard grandma say so. in this post there be some pics from friends who allowed my mom to use them.                                                        

                                                       The first cosplayer of the day

                                        This nice lady was up a floor from the dealers room
I really want to know how people make these outfits and all. so much fun to watch them and see them.
The dealer's room and thanks to this cosplayer.
Just not a con without a nartuo (sorry this about the time mom really was getting worse)
SHHHHHH it grandma not sure how mom got this picture in the dealers room. Go grandma get those deals.
Our friend Keith he visted our room after mom told him she was done for the day. By this time mom's face was really bad and she needed to start meds for it pooor mom.

My trip to Anime Boston 2015 Day 1 April 2,2015

This was the first time my mom ( my mom the human) and my grandma (the other human). Went and took me on a trip to Anime Boston wow fun time by all. but as the photos will show i didnt know what i was getting into. I mean mom always taken me to werid places horse shows  music event dinner in nice places. I mean being a service dog I gotten used to the places i get to go. Anime boston though was the weridest but most fun places outside of the horse shows my mom has ever taken me too. So allow me to show you this trip though my eyes.Though the pics you will see my trip it will start with my frist day in boston from back bay station. We stay at the Shearton back bay boston hotel.  My mom got pics of some of the staff from Anime boston and hotel staff.  So sit back and enjoy.The post will be broken down between the three days with one more post of photos friends let us use after my mom got sick.
P.S. it may take a few days for my mom to get all of the pics up on the post.
Made it to Back Bay Station in Boston, Ma

Wow the lobby sure was hoping at the hotel
I will take a nap as they unpack
Wait the chair is better I will sleep here
Darn mom caught me sleeping
checking out grandma's bed for the week nice and soft
My mom's bed for the week wonder how we both fit on this
My mom's Anime Boston badge
The view from our hotel room hello Charles river.