Monday, April 22, 2019

Open letter (ANIME BOSTON 2019)

mom worte this after something happen at AB this year as we were waiting for grandma to come back from running to the ATM. we saw this lady once on her way to AB than a second time when we were in the hotel lobby waiting for grandma. Her dogs were having melt downs and yet she felt the need to say stuff to grandma. so here is my mom's replay. mom says sorry for the crappy spelling but she was really pissed off when she wrote it.

                                       Pretty sure someone going to jump all over me but here goes.
To the lady with the two big service dogs that stay in the westin. Just so you know it is not okay to harrsed someone about their service dog and telling them they should not be at Anime Boston. For one thing my mom didn't have her dog he was with me waiting in the lobby. for other we were not even in the convation center but the hotel lobby. you caught my mom on her way back to me and our dogs before going home. making her late making it so we missed our train and had to wait around. for your info we been dealing with service dog for over 20 years teach others about them and when we started going to AB there was not a lot of info to staff on how to handle someone with a service dog we shared the ADA laws with AB. As for my dog yeah she sick and dying this was her last trip before the end for her which is why we made sure that we were not near where AB was going down and made sure our friends who were going to AB were able to say their finally good bye. Before you open your mouth thinking your god's gift to the world think about who you may be talking too and even better check your own info. also I wonder how many others who live in those mall you stop and harrsed about their non service animal being in the malls.

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