Monday, June 15, 2015

June 12th 2015 Mom'S surgery date

Today going to be a big  day for my mom she finally getting those bad teeth out and the jawbone fixed too. All I can say is ouch mom. I know she been in loads of pain cause of it and I know she been dealing with it like a trooper but I think this be better. She won't have to fight infactions all the time of watch out for  her face getting hit by the horses.
                                                           The morning ride to the hopstail yeah grandma is with us.
The waiting room I know this hosptail so well
See told ya grandma was with us love those flip flops
As you can see mom was not going to the or without me hanging out with her till than.
Got to say I love that gown
MOm home after surgery tucked into bed
There I am thanks uncle snip as you can see I am not letting her out of my sight
Poor mom face on the 13 day after surgery so swollen her eyes cant open all the way.

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