Monday, June 14, 2021

just some updates on what going on around here.

   So with all the covid stuff that been going on, we really didnt due traveling last year and not much this spring. We did due one trip to mansfeild MA and we due have pictures of that trip not many but some.  We also did a small over nite trip to warwick, Our next trip is other small one on the 4th just a over niter. We were going to due norwalk ct but with money still being tight we just going to due a over niter. Auntie Jm going to be starting school on the 28th of june. She only got other 38 vredits to go and than wham she will have her degree in libaral arts. We animals due plan to try and get more post done on the blog, however being animals we dont have a grrat sense of time or days. We hope all have been doing well.


                                                       The start of the trip on may 2nd


                                                         Furst on the train


                                                                     nap time


Luna lieks to hide under the seat on the train
                                                             Mbta train station in mansfrild, MA
Auntie JM took this shot of furst and auntie tanya 
it all three of us me, furst and auntie tanya 

                                                        Auntie tanya got this shot of us trying to get auntie JM off her bed
                                                         Luna holding down auntie Tanya
                                                           Icream the best
                                                         Yep not a trip without us having ice cream
                                                                       yummy ice cream
                                                                 luna stole her mommy bed again lol
                                                         Furst stealing his mommy bed
                                                                     luna hogging the bed
                                                            now luna stealing auntie tanya's bed


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