Thursday, August 30, 2018

Pop Cult anime Con (aug 18th -19th 2018)

  Mom and grandma took me to popcult in Framingham ma. it our last anime con for this year. It was so much fun even if on the frist day there was that unplanned fire drill. Mom nd me were outside when that happened. I got to say I fell in love with the cookies the hotel had for the popcult anime  con yeah I pigged out on them and loved them so much the hotel let mom have the left over ones. we got there but one cab ride two mbta trains rides and one shuttle to hotel ride. I love trains buses and shuttles are okay but trains are my thing. Maybe cause  that how I came it moms life a short car ride and two trains rides to my new home. I am so getting the hang of this anime con stuff it  really is fun. Mom says she got to find a friend with a fur suit so we can find out how I handle it. Wonder if my reaction be like Miss G was with eyes bugging out and all. should be fun. I love the people who staffed this con all easy going helpful and the dealers room and the artist room was a blast small though it may be was still fun and so easy to get to  see everything. everyone was so helpful and willing to answer any questions mom or grandma had about their items.

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