Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Cats Jan 22nd, 2019

We went to the first show of the year . it happen on mom's bday. we went to see the musical cats. loads of fun Furst was is normal self of saying hi to everyone. I did my normal hide under mom's chair lol what can i say i am just not a people dog like furst is. let him get all the pets kisses and kids pettign him. me i like to sleep till the show starts than watch in my little hide away coming out once in awhile. A nive lady sitting in front of us got a great picture of furst and his nose :) we still laughing on it. Next trip Shen Yu on feb 2nd.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Happy new year

   Well this year going to be loads of fun ad travel. mom and grandma are busy with the trip plans booking the rooms make sure the cats are taken care of for when we out of town. oh yes loads of fun. We will be at AB but only to pass the badge info to friends that mom gave her free badges to. also so we can vist with some of them as we won't see them at POPcult or AAC. and the first thing we seeing this ble year is cats on Jan 22, 2019 at ppac. maybe this year is the year we all keep this blog updated but mom says that may not happened with how plans go crazy around here lol.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Decmber 2018

wow what a month that was. we had 3 trips in one month that record Hershey said so. dec 7th was a show at ppac in providence, than on dec 13th though the 15th we went to boston to see the nutcracker on the 14th that trip really was loads of fun, than on the 23rd of dec we had a show we went to at the vets with some friends that one was even more of a blast. sadly i still have to learn that i cant be dancing to the beat of the music even if i due like the song not out at the shows but man they were a blast.