Wow we had a blast at Popcult anime con. Auntie worked the info desk at this con and boy was that loads of fun. I got pets and met lots of new people at th is one. It was my very very first convation. AB does not count as we really didn't go to that one just spent a nite in boston to met up with friends. I have to say the other staff members were really great about having a service dog around. We did run into a few who were allric to me when they came on duty I just went back to my mom and auntie stay behind to due her job. Auntie says she never want to see other goggly eye any time soon. I love when Dani and Auntie palyed with the rubber chickens that auntie found in one of the bins. even more fun was had on sunday when Dani walked around with one in his back pocket. I have to say thank you to the ones who allowed us to use your photos on this blog. credit for the photos can be found under the photo, please do not take any or use them with out going on face book and asking the person if you can use it. I cant belive how hard it is working at a anime con cause man poor auntie had to keep moving me on her bed so she could get into it on sunday nite. I love when we travel to new place or go back to old one. The friends we made are some of the best. We even got to come home on the MBTA with some of the other staffers from the con on Monday. I know this one was hard on auntie as it was the last anime convation that Hershey got taken to before she passed this year. please enjoy the photos. I cant wait to go back next year.

Photo used by permission of Manta Ray
Photo used by permission of Manta Ray
Photo used by permission of Manta Ray
Photo used by permission of Manta Ray
It a fur cosplayer
Photo used by permission of Manta Ray
The cookies for the con one of my fav snacks
Photo used by permission of Manta Ray
Photo used by permission of Manta Ray
I got to met this cosplayer and she was really nice.
Photo used by permission of Manta Ray
Photo used by permission of Manta Ray
Photo used by permission of Manta Ray
Photo used by permission of Manta Ray
Photo used with permission by Matthew McKenna he plays a mean white cell lol and Bridget Bee Mcnay she plays the red cell.. thanks matt and Bridget for allowing us to use the photo auntie took.
Oh how Auntie hated those goggly eyes they are now banned around her.
Auntie ays it always fun to see this dragon around he will even bring you a pencil if you need one. photo pre,isson by the cosplayer Bridget Bee McNay.
Photo used with permission by the cosplayer Robery Jones he is auntie's friend
It auntie Skylar Lamontagne and the 7 kittens in a hat.
the house cup
Yes I solte Auntie's Boston lobster again
lobbie the lobster makes a great pillow
first day of the con and me tried
Who said Aunite allowed to work
It bedtime Auntie
I mean it turn the light out
Fine I will just have to put my paw on the laptop so you cant work
It the Co Chair Hemlock Lnyx Thanks for having us on staff
Sunday morning thinking about what to write on the blog
still thinking
so much fun this weekend and still thinking
I got it I know how I want it to come across
Time to relax
Work is done
Bedtime see you in the morning
Must hide laptop on Auntie
Info Desk at Pop cult Spent a lot of fun times at that desk
Thanks nikki for the dragon
photo used with permission by Courthey Fisher her and her Larp group were so much fun to talk to watch out next time I am going to run though that dugen
Thanks to Sin the pop cult Artist for my badge
Yes Sin really did use a photo of me to help her make this badge I love this Badge.
Photo used by permission of the Cosplayer Robin Colbath
photo used by persssion of the cosplayer Robin Colbath
Photo used by pression of both the coplayer Robin Colbath and the Photographer Manta Ray
Photo used by permission of the photograpy Skylar LaMontagne
Photo used by permission of the photograpy Skylar LaMontagne
Photo used by permission of the photograpy Skylar LaMontagne
Photo used by permission of the photograpy Skylar LaMontagne
Photo used by permission of the photograpy Skylar LaMontagne
Photo used by permission of the photograpy Skylar LaMontagne
Photo used by permission of the photograpy Skylar LaMontagne
Photo used by permission of the photograpy Skylar LaMontagne
Photo used by permission of the photograpy Skylar LaMontagne
Photo used by permission of the photograpy Skylar LaMontagne